Local Marketing Strategies That Work

Growing a family photography business hinges on using local marketing strategies that work. These strategies help you reach your ideal clients and build strong community relationships that foster sustainable growth.

This blog will explore various effective local marketing strategies, providing practical insights on how family photographers can connect with their target audience through local businesses and community partnerships.

As a Santa Barbara family photographer, I know how important it is to connect locally. It aided my growth quickly. So much so, I designed a course to help you do exactly what I did, so that you can build your dream photography business.

Local Marketing Strategies That Work: Identify Ideal Local Businesses

First, identify local businesses where your marketing efforts will effectively reach your ideal clients. Focus on businesses that cater to families and children. Some excellent examples include:

Hotels: Many families stay at local hotels when visiting the area for vacations, family gatherings, or events. Collaborate with hotels to access families interested in capturing special moments during their stay.

Non-Profits: Organizations focused on family and children's services often have a strong community presence. Partnering with non-profits opens doors to numerous networking opportunities and events where you can showcase your services.

Children's Music Classes: Parents who enroll their children in music classes likely value memorable experiences and milestones. Offering photography sessions during recitals or special events provides a valuable service for these families.

Birth Centers and Birth Workers: Connect with birth centers and professionals such as doulas and midwives to introduce your photography services to expectant parents. These connections can lead to maternity and newborn photography opportunities.

Local Marketing Strategies That Work:

Collaborative Opportunities

After identifying ideal businesses, brainstorm ways to collaborate and offer something of value. Successful partnerships rely on mutual benefit, so consider what you can offer in exchange for access to their client base. Here are some collaborative ideas:

  1. Headshots for Staff: Offer professional headshots for the staff of local businesses. In return, these businesses can refer your services to their clients.
  2. Event Photography: Provide event photography for local business events, such as fundraisers or community gatherings. Ensure your branding is visible during these events to attract potential clients.
  3. Branding Sessions: Many local businesses need high-quality images for their marketing materials. Offer branding sessions where you photograph their products, services, or staff. This collaboration builds your portfolio and strengthens your relationship with the business community.
  4. Mini Sessions for Clients: Propose mini photography sessions for the clients of these businesses. For example, partner with a children's music class to offer mini sessions after a recital, providing a unique value to their clients while promoting your services.

Local Marketing Strategies That Work:

Implement Actionable Steps

To turn these ideas into reality, follow a structured approach. These steps outline a framework for building business connections and starting to receive referrals:

  1. Research and Outreach: Research local businesses that align with your target market. Compile a list and reach out with a well-crafted proposal outlining the benefits of a partnership.
  2. Personalized Proposals: When contacting potential partners, tailor your proposals to their specific needs and how your services can benefit them. Highlight past successful collaborations to build credibility.
  3. Offer Value First: Focus on what you can offer the business before asking for anything in return. This approach demonstrates your willingness to contribute and builds trust.
  4. Follow-Up: After the initial contact, follow up regularly to keep the conversation going. Persistence is key to forming successful partnerships.
  5. Leverage Existing Relationships: Utilize existing relationships with local businesses or community members to get introductions to potential partners. Personal referrals can significantly increase your chances of forming new connections.
  6. Showcase Success Stories: Once you start collaborating with local businesses, document and showcase these partnerships on your website and social media. This highlights your community involvement and serves as social proof for potential clients.


In conclusion, local marketing strategies that work are essential for family photographers looking to expand their business and reach their ideal clients. By identifying and collaborating with local businesses, offering valuable services, and implementing a structured approach, you can build strong community connections that lead to referrals and sustainable growth.

This blog has outlined practical ideas and actionable steps to get started.

For a more comprehensive guide, consider enrolling in the course, which delves deeper into these strategies and provides a detailed framework for success.

PS...come over to the 'gram and say hello too!