Unique ways to make a presence when you’re just starting out in your photography business
I remember when I first started to consider starting my photography business. So many questions about if I would be successful, if I would have clients, and if they would even come back?! How would I find clients? How would I deliver exceptional images and products? How would I do this? Within my first 6 months of business, I'd made $12,700 and photographed 76 families. As I found my footing, I realized that the majority of my marketing was being done by someone other than me. My audience early on wasn’t large, but the companies I was working with had a large audience, and they were willing to work with me! Here are three ways that I used to market my new photography business.
1. Working with Local Businesses
One of the best ways to get your name out there is to determine where your ideal client shops. Partnering with these local small businesses is a great way to get your name out to a whole new audience. This could mean leaving postcards on a counter, hosting a private event just for their clients, or even a blog feature are great ways to partner with local businesses. Wanting to make sure you partner with the right local business? Check out this recent blog post, click below.
2. Finding Local Schools to Work With
Another great way to get your eyes in front of many potential customers is to partner with a local school, daycare, or co-op. Whether it is for the yearbook or a spring session, working with these organizations gives you access to the emails for each family. From there, you can add them to your newsletter for future events. Building that newsletter is imperative, and this is a great way to do that!
3. Mini-Sessions
I know what you’re thinking! Mini sessions are so much work and are never a guaranteed success. However, sometimes mini-sessions can be very helpful. If you are trying to get an influx of money quickly, trying to grow your reach, or trying to build your portfolio, mini-sessions can be that quick fix. While the participants may not be forever clients, they are clients that will post your photos, build your newsletter, and increase your brand awareness. When planning your mini-sessions, remember to be cost-efficient, time efficient, and leave them wanting more…like a full session!
As a new photographer, there is a lot to learn! Growing your audience should be one of the easier aspects of your new business. If you’re ready to find your audience and book your calendar in advance, check out my online course! "A Fresh Look at Referrals to Book Your Calendar" is an online course for photographers in every stage of business! Learn how to gain visibility, trust, and a positive reputation in your local community! Click the link below for more information!