We all know about Fresh 48 sessions (not sure what a Fresh 48 session is, check out this blog that explains everything you need to know!). What if we added an extra component to your Fresh 48? Including siblings in your Fresh 48 is a perfect time to introduce them to their new sibling! Siblings feel the chaos of a new addition, and including them can help calm that storm! Here are just a few FAQ to help you prep for your Fresh 48 Sibling Edition!

Where will this session take place?

Your Fresh 48 Session takes place in the same location as the birth! Most often, these sessions are in a birthing center, a hospital, or even at home! 

What can we expect?

You can expect to see every aspect of your newborn captured. Each tiny finger and toe, those first yawns, and every other first you can imagine. Not only will those be captured, but when you include the siblings, their reactions will be captured as well! The awe of finally seeing their face, getting to hold them for the first time, and all of the expressions that come with this wonderful moment will be captured!

How do we get ready?

You don’t! With these Fresh 48 sessions, there is ZERO prep necessary! Regardless of where the birth took place, my camera and I will come ready to capture you as you are! Even better news, I will make the space work wherever we are! No need to prep, no need to clean, no need to do anything other than be together!

Can we incorporate film into our session?

Of course you can! I love nothing more than capturing these moments as images and on video! Once again, you don’t need to do anything different! Just be present in this moment with your family and love on your new addition!

Have more questions about your Fresh 48 Session, Sibling Edition? Don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking the link below to ask! I can’t wait to see you, your newborn, and those big brothers and sisters soon!